Running a business can generate a vast amount of data that needs to be stored securely and often contains sensitive information about your customers, your suppliers, partners and providers. But how safe is that data?
On the 25th May 2018, Europe’s data laws will undergo their biggest change in twenty years. The existing laws were created in the 90’s and in the following two decades the amount of data created and used has increased drastically, making the legislation outdated for the modern age.
We all know the children’s story that teaches us that being steady and slow can often win the race. But, in IT, that can leave you falling behind the competition and ultimately costing your business more.
For most businesses the end of the tax year arrives in Easter and this is the perfect time to consider investing in new computer systems, IT hardware, software and peripherals.
It’s true to say that some of our customers contact us for a specific IT issue, product or service, but we can offer so much more with a wide range of IT services and products that can collectively help to protect, transform and streamline their businesses.